C++11 header-only cross-platform date and time library with an asynchronous NTP client
xclox::Date Class Reference

Date is an immutable class representing a date without a time zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as "2017-12-15". More...

#include <date.hpp>

Public Types

enum class  Weekday {
  Monday = 1 , Tuesday = 2 , Wednesday = 3 , Thursday = 4 ,
  Friday = 5 , Saturday = 6 , Sunday = 7
 Type of weekday.
enum class  Month {
  January = 1 , February = 2 , March = 3 , April = 4 ,
  May = 5 , June = 6 , July = 7 , August = 8 ,
  September = 9 , October = 10 , November = 11 , December = 12
 Type of month.
using Days = internal::Days
 Day duration.
using Weeks = std::chrono::duration< long, std::ratio_multiply< std::ratio< 7 >, Days::period > >
 Week duration.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 Date ()
 Constructs an invalid Date object with every field is set to zero. More...
 Date (const Date &other)=default
 Copy-constructs a Date object from other.
 Date (Date &&other)=default
 Move-constructs a Date object from other.
 Date (const Days &days)
 Constructs a Date object from days elapsed since the epoch "1970-01-01".
 Date (int year, int month, int day)
 Constructs a Date object from the given year, month and day.
 ~Date ()=default
 Default destructor.
Assignment Operators
Dateoperator= (const Date &other)=default
 Copy assignment operator.
Dateoperator= (Date &&other)=default
 Move assignment operator.
Comparison Operators
bool operator< (const Date &other) const
 Returns whether this date is earlier than other.
bool operator<= (const Date &other) const
 Returns whether this date is earlier than other or equal to it.
bool operator> (const Date &other) const
 Returns whether this date is later than other.
bool operator>= (const Date &other) const
 Returns whether this date is later than other or equal to it.
bool operator== (const Date &other) const
 Returns whether this date is equal to other.
bool operator!= (const Date &other) const
 Returns whether this date is different from other.
Querying Methods
bool isValid () const
 Returns whether this date object represents a valid date. More...
void getYearMonthDay (int *year, int *month, int *day) const
 Set the year, month, and day of this date in the parameters year, month, and day, respectively.
int day () const
 Returns the day of the month of this date as a number between 1 and 31.
int month () const
 Returns the month of the year of this date as a number between 1 and 12, which corresponds to the enumeration Month.
int year () const
 Returns the year of this date as a number. More...
int dayOfWeek () const
 Returns the weekday of this date as a number between 1 and 7, which corresponds to the enumeration Weekday.
int dayOfYear () const
 Returns the day of year of this date as a number between 1 and 365 (1 to 366 on leap years).
int daysInMonth () const
 Returns the number of days in the month of this date. It ranges between 28 and 31.
int daysInYear () const
 Returns the number of days in the year of this date. It is either 365 or 366.
bool isLeapYear () const
 Returns whether the year of this date is a leap year. More...
int weekOfYear (int *weekYear=nullptr) const
 Returns the week of the year of this date, and optionally stores the year in weekYear. More...
std::string dayOfWeekName (bool shortName=false) const
 Returns the name of the weekday of this date. More...
std::string monthName (bool shortName=false) const
 Returns the name of the month of this date. More...
Addition/Subtraction Methods
Date addDays (int days) const
 Returns the result of adding days to this date as a new Date object.
Date subtractDays (int days) const
 Returns the result of subtracting days from this date as a new Date object.
Date addMonths (int months) const
 Returns the result of adding months to this date as a new Date object. More...
Date subtractMonths (int months) const
 Returns the result of subtracting months from this date as a new Date object. More...
Date addYears (int years) const
 Returns the result of adding years to this date as a new Date object.
Date subtractYears (int years) const
 Returns the result of subtracting years from this date as a new Date object.
Conversion Methods
long toDaysSinceEpoch () const
 Returns the number of elapsed days since the epoch "1970-01-01".
Days toStdDurationSinceEpoch () const
 Returns the elapsed time since the epoch "1970-01-01" as a Days duration.
long toJulianDay () const
 Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number (JDN) of this date. More...
std::string toString (const std::string &format) const
 Returns this date as a string, formatted according to the format string format. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Date current ()
 Returns a Date object set to the current date obtained from the system clock. More...
static Date epoch ()
 Returns a Date object set to the epoch "1970-01-01".
static Date fromString (const std::string &date, const std::string &format)
 Returns a Date object from the date string date according to the format string format. More...
static Date fromJulianDay (long julianDay)
 Returns a Date object corresponding to the Julian day julianDay. More...
static bool isLeapYear (int year)
 Returns whether year is a leap year. More...
static int daysInMonthOfYear (int year, int month)
 Returns the number of days in month of year. It ranges between 28 and 31.
Calculation Methods

The following methods return the time difference between two dates; from and to.

If to is earlier than (smaller than) from, then the difference is negative.

static long daysBetween (const Date &from, const Date &to)
 Returns the number of days between from and to. More...
static long weeksBetween (const Date &from, const Date &to)
 Returns the number of weeks between from and to. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Input/Output Operators
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Date &d)
 Writes date d to stream os in ISO-8601 date format, "yyyy-MM-dd". More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Date &d)
 Reads a date in ISO-8601 date format "yyyy-MM-dd" from stream is and stores it in date d. More...

Detailed Description

Date is an immutable class representing a date without a time zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as "2017-12-15".

The ISO-8601 calendar system is the modern civil calendar system used today in most of the world. It is equivalent to the proleptic Gregorian calendar system.

Date describes the date as a triple (year, month, day). There is no year 0, and dates with a year 0 are considered invalid. Negative years indicate years before the common era (BCE). So, year -1 represents year 1 BCE, year -2 represents year 2 BCE, and so on.

A default-constructed Date object is invalid (calling isValid() on it returns false). Date objects can be created by explicitly giving the number of years, months and days. Also, it can be created from the number of days since the epoch "1970-01-01".

The year, month, and day of the date can be accessed through the methods year(), month(), and day(), respectively. Other date fields, such as day-of-year, day-of-week, and week-of-year, can also be accessed through dayOfYear(), dayOfWeek(), and weekOfYear(), respectively.

Date defines two durations: Days and Weeks, and two enumerations: Weekday and Month.

Date provides methods for manipulating dates. Years, months, and days can be added to a date (through addYears(), addMonths(), and addDays(), respectively) or subtracted from it (through subtractYears(), subtractMonths(), and subtractDays(), respectively).

It also provides operators for comparing dates. Date A is considered earlier than Date B if A is smaller than B, and so on. The methods daysBetween() and weeksBetween() returns how many days and weeks are between two dates, respectively.

Also, Date provides the methods fromJulianDay() and toJulianDay() to convert a date from and to a Julian Day Number (JDN). The toString() method can be used to get a textual representation of the date formatted according to a given format string.

See also
The unit tests in date.h for further details.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Date()

xclox::Date::Date ( )

Constructs an invalid Date object with every field is set to zero.

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ addMonths()

Date xclox::Date::addMonths ( int  months) const

Returns the result of adding months to this date as a new Date object.

When the ending day/month combination does not exist in the resulting month/year, it returns the latest valid date. For example:

Date d = Date(2013, 1, 31).addMonths(1); //d = Date(2013, 2, 28)
Constructs an invalid Date object with every field is set to zero.
Definition: date.hpp:142

◆ current()

static Date xclox::Date::current ( )

Returns a Date object set to the current date obtained from the system clock.

Note that the returned date is not the current local date but rather the current system date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

◆ dayOfWeekName()

std::string xclox::Date::dayOfWeekName ( bool  shortName = false) const

Returns the name of the weekday of this date.

The short and long names of the weekdays are named according to the following convention:

Weekday No. Short Name Long Name
1 Mon Monday
2 Tue Tuesday
3 Wed Wednesday
4 Thu Thursday
5 Fri Friday
6 Sat Saturday
7 Sun Sunday
shortNameIf true, returns the short name of the weekday, such as "Sat". If false (by default), returns the long name, such as "Saturday".

◆ daysBetween()

static long xclox::Date::daysBetween ( const Date from,
const Date to 

Returns the number of days between from and to.

For example:

int num = Date::daysBetween(Date(1999, 1, 1), Date(1999, 1, 3)); // num = 2
static long daysBetween(const Date &from, const Date &to)
Returns the number of days between from and to.
Definition: date.hpp:707

◆ fromJulianDay()

static Date xclox::Date::fromJulianDay ( long  julianDay)

Returns a Date object corresponding to the Julian day julianDay.

See also

◆ fromString()

static Date xclox::Date::fromString ( const std::string &  date,
const std::string &  format 

Returns a Date object from the date string date according to the format string format.

The format patterns are the same patterns used in the method toString().

See also

◆ isLeapYear() [1/2]

bool xclox::Date::isLeapYear ( ) const

Returns whether the year of this date is a leap year.

See also

◆ isLeapYear() [2/2]

static bool xclox::Date::isLeapYear ( int  year)

Returns whether year is a leap year.

According to the ISO proleptic calendar system rules, a year is a leap year if it is divisible by four without remainder. However, years divisible by 100 are not leap years, with the exception of years divisible by 400. For example, 1904 is a leap year; it is divisible by 4. 1900 was not a leap year, as it is divisible by 100. However, 2000 was a leap year, as it is divisible by 400.

◆ isValid()

bool xclox::Date::isValid ( ) const

Returns whether this date object represents a valid date.

A valid date contains a non-zero year, a valid month (between 1 and 12), and a valid day of month (between 1 and 31).

Date d; // same as Date(0, 0, 0)
bool state1 = d.isValid(); // returns false
bool state2 = Date(1999, -1, 1).isValid(); // returns false
bool state3 = Date(1999, 1, 0).isValid(); // returns false
d = Date(1970, 1, 1);
bool state4 = d.isValid(); // returns true

◆ monthName()

std::string xclox::Date::monthName ( bool  shortName = false) const

Returns the name of the month of this date.

The short and long names of the months are named according to the following convention:

Month No. Short Name Long Name
1 Jan January
2 Feb February
3 Mar March
4 Apr April
5 May May
6 Jun June
7 Jul July
8 Aug August
9 Sep September
10 Oct October
11 Nov November
12 Dec December
shortNameIf true, returns the short name of the month, such as "Jan". If false (by default), returns the long name, such as "January".

◆ subtractMonths()

Date xclox::Date::subtractMonths ( int  months) const

Returns the result of subtracting months from this date as a new Date object.

When the ending day/month combination does not exist in the resulting month/year, it returns the latest valid date. For example:

Date d = Date(2012, 3, 31).subtractMonths(1); //d = Date(2012, 2, 29)

◆ toJulianDay()

long xclox::Date::toJulianDay ( ) const

Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number (JDN) of this date.

JDN is the consecutive numbering of days since the beginning of the Julian Period on 1 January 4713 BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar, which occurs on 24 November 4714 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calender. Note that the date to be converted is considered Gregorian. Also, the current Gregorian rules are extended backwards and forwards. There is no year 0. The first year before the common era (i.e., year 1 BCE) is year -1, year -2 is year 2 BCE, and so on.

◆ toString()

std::string xclox::Date::toString ( const std::string &  format) const

Returns this date as a string, formatted according to the format string format.

The format string may contain the following patterns:

Pattern Meaning
# era of year as a positive sign(+) or negative sign(-)
E era of year as CE or BCE
y year as one digit or more (1, 9999)
yy year of era as two digits (00, 99)
yyyy year as four digits (0000, 9999)
M month of year as one digit or more (1, 12)
MM month of year as two digits (01, 12)
MMM month of year as short name (e.g. "Feb")
MMMM month of year as long name (e.g. "February")
d day of month as one digit or more (1, 31)
dd day of month as two digits (00, 31)
ddd day of week as short name (e.g. "Fri")
dddd day of week as long name (e.g. "Friday")

Any character in the format string not listed above will be inserted as-is into the output string. If this date is invalid, an empty string will be returned.

See also
dayOfWeekName(), monthName()

◆ weekOfYear()

int xclox::Date::weekOfYear ( int *  weekYear = nullptr) const

Returns the week of the year of this date, and optionally stores the year in weekYear.

The week of the year ranges between 1 and 53. Most years have 52 weeks, but some have 53. According to ISO-8601, weeks start on Monday, and the first Thursday of a year is always in week 1 of that year. weekYear is not always the same as year(). For example:

  • The date of "1 January 2000" falls in week 52 of the year 1999.
  • The date of "31 December 2002" falls in week 1 of the year 2003.
  • The date of "1 January 2010" falls in week 53 of the year 2009.

◆ weeksBetween()

static long xclox::Date::weeksBetween ( const Date from,
const Date to 

Returns the number of weeks between from and to.

For example:

int num = Date::weeksBetween(Date(1970, 1, 1), Date(1970, 1, 8)); // num = 1
static long weeksBetween(const Date &from, const Date &to)
Returns the number of weeks between from and to.
Definition: date.hpp:719

◆ year()

int xclox::Date::year ( ) const

Returns the year of this date as a number.

There is no year 0. Negative numbers indicate years before 1 BCE; for example, year -1 is year 1 BCE, and so on.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Date d 

Writes date d to stream os in ISO-8601 date format, "yyyy-MM-dd".

See toString() for information about the format patterns.

◆ operator>>()

std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Date d 

Reads a date in ISO-8601 date format "yyyy-MM-dd" from stream is and stores it in date d.

See toString() for information about the format patterns.

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