C++11 header-only cross-platform date and time library with an asynchronous NTP client
xclox::Time Class Reference

Time is an immutable time class representing a time without a time zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as "09:55:02". More...

#include <time.hpp>

Public Types

using Nanoseconds = std::chrono::nanoseconds
 Nanosecond duration.
using Microseconds = std::chrono::microseconds
 Microsecond duration.
using Milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds
 Millisecond duration.
using Seconds = std::chrono::seconds
 Second duration.
using Minutes = std::chrono::minutes
 Minute duration.
using Hours = std::chrono::hours
 Hour duration.

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 Time ()
 Constructs an invalid Time object with every field is set to zero. More...
 Time (const Time &other)=default
 Copy-constructs a Time object from other.
 Time (Time &&other)=default
 Move-constructs a Time object from other.
 Time (std::time_t scalarStdTime)
 Constructs a Time object from the standard library std::time_t object scalarStdTime.
 Time (const std::tm &brokenStdTime)
 Constructs a Time object from the standard library std::tm object brokenStdTime.
 Time (const Duration &duration)
 Constructs a Time object from time duration elapsed since midnight ("00:00:00"). More...
 Time (const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &timePoint)
 Constructs a Time object from the given system time point timePoint.
 Time (int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
 Constructs a Time object from the given hours, minutes and seconds.
 Time (int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds)
 Constructs a Time object from the given hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
 Time (int hours, int minutes, int seconds, const Duration &subseconds)
 Constructs a Time object from the given hours, minutes, seconds, and subseconds. More...
 Time (Hours hours, Minutes minutes, Seconds seconds, const Duration &subseconds)
 Constructs a Time object from the given hours, minutes, seconds, and subseconds. More...
 ~Time ()=default
 Default destructor.
Assignment Operators
Timeoperator= (const Time &other)=default
 Copy assignment operator.
Timeoperator= (Time &&other)=default
 Move assignment operator.
Comparison Operators

The following operators compare this time to other.

For example, if this time is smaller than other, it means that it is earlier than other.

bool operator< (const Time &other) const
 Returns whether this time is earlier than other.
bool operator<= (const Time &other) const
 Returns whether this time is earlier than other or equal to it.
bool operator> (const Time &other) const
 Returns whether this time is later than other.
bool operator>= (const Time &other) const
 Returns whether this time is later than other or equal to it.
bool operator== (const Time &other) const
 Returns whether this time is equal to other.
bool operator!= (const Time &other) const
 Returns whether this time is different from other.
Addition/Subtraction Operators
Time operator+ (const Duration &duration) const
 Returns the result of adding duration to this time as a new Time object.
Time operator- (const Duration &duration) const
 Returns the result of subtracting duration from this time as a new Time object.
Nanoseconds operator- (const Time &other) const
 Returns the result of subtracting other from this time as a Time::Nanoseconds duration.
Querying Methods
bool isValid () const
 Returns whether this time object represents a valid time. More...
long nanosecond () const
 Returns the nanosecond of second (0, 999999999).
long microsecond () const
 Returns the microsecond of second (0, 999999).
int millisecond () const
 Returns the millisecond of second (0, 999).
int second () const
 Returns the second of minute (0, 59).
int minute () const
 Returns the minute of hour (0, 59).
int hour () const
 Returns the hour of day (0, 23).
Addition/Subtraction Methods
Time addNanoseconds (int nanoseconds) const
 Returns the result of adding nanoseconds to this time as a new Time object.
Time subtractNanoseconds (int nanoseconds) const
 Returns the result of subtracting nanoseconds from this time as a new Time object.
Time addMicroseconds (int microseconds) const
 Returns the result of adding microseconds to this time as a new Time object.
Time subtractMicroseconds (int microseconds) const
 Returns the result of subtracting microseconds from this time as a new Time object.
Time addMilliseconds (int milliseconds) const
 Returns the result of adding milliseconds to this time as a new Time object.
Time subtractMilliseconds (int milliseconds) const
 Returns the result of subtracting milliseconds from this time as a new Time object.
Time addSeconds (int seconds) const
 Returns the result of adding seconds to this time as a new Time object.
Time subtractSeconds (int seconds) const
 Returns the result of subtracting seconds from this time as a new Time object.
Time addMinutes (int minutes) const
 Returns the result of adding minutes to this time as a new Time object.
Time subtractMinutes (int minutes) const
 Returns the result of subtracting minutes from this time as a new Time object.
Time addHours (int hours) const
 Returns the result of adding hours to this time as a new Time object.
Time subtractHours (int hours) const
 Returns the result of subtracting hours from this time as a new Time object.
Time addDuration (const Duration &duration) const
 Returns the result of adding duration to this time as a new Time object.
Time subtractDuration (const Duration &duration) const
 Returns the result of subtracting duration from this time as a new Time object.
Conversion Methods
long long toNanosecondsSinceMidnight () const
 Returns the elapsed nanoseconds since midnight.
long long toMicrosecondsSinceMidnight () const
 Returns the elapsed microseconds since midnight.
long toMillisecondsSinceMidnight () const
 Returns the elapsed milliseconds since midnight.
long toSecondsSinceMidnight () const
 Returns the elapsed seconds since midnight.
int toMinutesSinceMidnight () const
 Returns the elapsed minutes since midnight.
int toHoursSinceMidnight () const
 Returns the elapsed hours since midnight. If this time is invalid, the returned value may exceed 23. More...
Nanoseconds toStdDurationSinceMidnight () const
 Returns the elapsed time since midnight as a Nanoseconds duration.
std::tm toBrokenStdTime () const
 Returns a std::tm representation of this time.
std::time_t toScalarStdTime () const
 Returns a std::time_t representation of this time.
std::string toString (const std::string &format) const
 Returns the time as a string formatted according to the format string format. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Time current ()
 Returns a Time object set to the current time obtained from the system clock. More...
static Time midnight ()
 Returns a Time object set to midnight (i.e., "00:00:00").
static Time fromString (const std::string &time, const std::string &format)
 Returns a Time object from the string time according to the format string format. More...
Calculation Methods

The following methods return the time difference between two times: from and to.

If from is smaller than (earlier than) to, then the difference is negative.

static long long nanosecondsBetween (const Time &from, const Time &to)
 Returns the number of nanoseconds between from and to.
static long long microsecondsBetween (const Time &from, const Time &to)
 Returns the number of microseconds between from and to.
static long millisecondsBetween (const Time &from, const Time &to)
 Returns the number of milliseconds between from and to.
static long secondsBetween (const Time &from, const Time &to)
 Returns the number of seconds between from and to.
static int minutesBetween (const Time &from, const Time &to)
 Returns the number of minutes between from and to.
static int hoursBetween (const Time &from, const Time &to)
 Returns the number of hours between from and to.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Input/Output Operators
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Time &t)
 Writes time t to stream os in ISO-8601 time format "hh:mm:ss.fff". See toString() for information about the format patterns.
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Time &t)
 Reads a time in ISO-8601 time format "hh:mm:ss.fff" from stream is and stores it in time t. See toString() for information about the format patterns.

Detailed Description

Time is an immutable time class representing a time without a time zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as "09:55:02".

Time is represented by nanosecond precision. For example, the value "09:55:02.123456789" can be stored in a Time object. Time uses the 24-hour clock format. Internally, it describes the time as the number of nanoseconds since midnight. Time provides methods for comparing times, manipulating a time by adding or subtracting durations, and converting the whole time into minutes, seconds, or any finer duration.

A Time object can be created by giving the number of hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, etc. explicitly. Also, it can be created from std::time_t, std::tm, or std::chrono::system_clock::time_point objects.

A default-constructed time object is invalid (calling isValid() on it returns false). The static method current() can be used to get the current time from the system's clock. Note that the accuracy depends on the accuracy of the underlying operating system; not all systems provide 1-millisecond accuracy.

The methods hour(), minute(), second(), millisecond(), microsecond(), and nanosecond() provide access to the number of hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds of the time, respectively.

Time supports the C++11 chrono library's way of manipulating time, i.e., time constructors and methods can take duration parameters such as std::chrono::hours(1), std::chrono::minutes(1), etc. For convenience, Time defines aliases for these durations, which may be used instead of chrono's ones. Time durations are Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds, Microseconds, and Nanoseconds, which correspond to std:chrono::hours, std:chrono::minutes, std:chrono::seconds, std:chrono::milliseconds, std:chrono::microseconds, and std:chrono::nanoseconds, respectively.

The methods toHours(), toMinutes(), toSeconds(), toMilliseconds(), toMicroseconds(), and toNanoseconds() return the whole time passed since midnight as a number of hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds, respectively.

The toString() method can be used to get a textual representation of the time formatted according to a given format string.

Time provides the comparison operators to compare two Time objects. Time A is considered earlier than Time B if A is smaller than B, and so on. Time also provides methods to compute the difference between two times in hours, minutes, etc.

See also
The unit tests in time.h for further details.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Time() [1/4]

xclox::Time::Time ( )

Constructs an invalid Time object with every field is set to zero.

See also

◆ Time() [2/4]

xclox::Time::Time ( const Duration &  duration)

Constructs a Time object from time duration elapsed since midnight ("00:00:00").

For example:

Time myTime(Time::Hours(2) + Time::Minutes(55));
Constructs an invalid Time object with every field is set to zero.
Definition: time.hpp:71
std::chrono::minutes Minutes
Minute duration.
Definition: time.hpp:60
std::chrono::hours Hours
Hour duration.
Definition: time.hpp:61
durationcan be Time::Duration or std::chrono::duration.

◆ Time() [3/4]

xclox::Time::Time ( int  hours,
int  minutes,
int  seconds,
const Duration &  subseconds 

Constructs a Time object from the given hours, minutes, seconds, and subseconds.

The subseconds parameter can be any fine duration of Time such as Time::Microseconds(54), or any fine duration of chrono, such as std::chrono::nanoseconds(435223543).

◆ Time() [4/4]

xclox::Time::Time ( Hours  hours,
Minutes  minutes,
Seconds  seconds,
const Duration &  subseconds 

Constructs a Time object from the given hours, minutes, seconds, and subseconds.

All parameters can be Time::Duration or std::chrono::duration. For example:

Time sameTime(std::chrono::hours(2), std::chrono::::minutes(55), std::chrono::::seconds(10), std::chrono::::nanoseconds(435223543));
std::chrono::nanoseconds Nanoseconds
Nanosecond duration.
Definition: time.hpp:56
std::chrono::seconds Seconds
Second duration.
Definition: time.hpp:59

Member Function Documentation

◆ current()

static Time xclox::Time::current ( )

Returns a Time object set to the current time obtained from the system clock.

Note that the returned time is not the current local time, but rather the current system time, i.e., the current time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

◆ fromString()

static Time xclox::Time::fromString ( const std::string &  time,
const std::string &  format 

Returns a Time object from the string time according to the format string format.

The format patterns are the same patterns used in the method toString().

See also

◆ isValid()

bool xclox::Time::isValid ( ) const

Returns whether this time object represents a valid time.

A valid time is a fraction of a day; the time to be valid must be between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59. Thus, negative times or times containing 24 hours or more are considered invalid.

Time t1; // t1.isValid(); returns false.
Time t2(0, 0, 0); // t2.isValid(); returns true.
Time t3(22, 1, 55); // t3.isValid(); returns true.
Time t4(-1, 0, 0); // t4.isValid(); returns false.
Time t5(Time::Hours(24)); // t5.isValid(); returns false.
Time t6(Time::Hours(-1)); // t6.isValid(); returns false.
Time t7(Time::Seconds(1)); // t7.isValid(); returns true.
Time t8(std::chrono::system_clock::now()); // t8.isValid(); returns true.

◆ toHoursSinceMidnight()

int xclox::Time::toHoursSinceMidnight ( ) const

Returns the elapsed hours since midnight. If this time is invalid, the returned value may exceed 23.

See also

◆ toString()

std::string xclox::Time::toString ( const std::string &  format) const

Returns the time as a string formatted according to the format string format.

The formatting string may contain the following patterns:

Pattern Meaning
h one-digit hour (0, 23)
hh two-digit hour (00, 23)
H one-digit hour (1, 12)
HH two-digit hour (01, 12)
m one-digit minute (0, 59)
mm two-digit minute (00, 59)
s one-digit second (0, 59)
ss two-digit second (00, 59)
f one-digit subsecond (0, 9)
ff two-digit subsecond (00, 99)
fff three-digit subsecond (000, 999)
ffff four-digit subsecond (0000, 9999)
fffff five-digit subsecond (00000, 99999)
ffffff six-digit subsecond (000000, 999999)
fffffff seven-digit subsecond (0000000, 9999999)
ffffffff eight-digit subsecond (00000000, 99999999)
fffffffff nine-digit subsecond (000000000, 999999999)
a before/after noon indicator(i.e. am or pm)
A before/after noon indicator(i.e. AM or PM)

Any character in the format string not listed above will be inserted as-is into the output string. If this time is invalid, an empty string will be returned.

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